
AppearanceOverall duck body grooved and wide, and has a relatively long neck, although not as long as short-necked swans and geese. Duck body shape varies and is generally rounded. Beak-shaped lamellae width and contain useful as filter feeders. In the fishing species, beak-shaped longer and stronger. Scaly legs strong and well established, and generally were not far behind the body, commonly found in aquatic birds. Wings are very strong and generally short. Duck flapping flight require sustained and thus require a strong wing muscles. Three species of steamer duck can not fly.
Duck male of the species in the northern hemisphere sometimes have interesting coat color. Species from the southern hemisphere shows no sexual dimorphism except Paradise Shelduck in New Zealand female duck color brighter than the male duck. The color of young ducks, whether male or female, are generally more similar to adult female duck.

5 komentar:

hafidlatul islami mengatakan...

nice article sandra ..

Ellina mengatakan...

do you like a duck????

Sandra::Samudra mengatakan...

thank you

Sandra::Samudra mengatakan...

@eliin: I do not really like. but my boyfriend a bit like a duck. ^ _ ^

Nurul Sleem'sGun mengatakan...

i like duck,too.....

n,,what do you like from duck??

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